Esther In Wonderland. Feature film. In development.
Esther In Wonderland. Short film. NY, 2020.
Esther In Wonderland. Screenplay. NY, 2019.
BTS Katherine Parr Collection. Fashion video. NY, 2017.
A Tale of Endurance: Celebration of the Imperfect. Fashion film. NY, 2017.
The Painted Lady. Short film. NY, 2016.
Aruma (Naked Woman). Short film. NY, 2016.
Goliath. Short documentary. NY, 2015.
Shadow Boxer. Experimental short film. NY, 2015.
A Tale of Endurance: Celebration of the Imperfect. Fashion film. NY, 2017.
Death Wish. Commercial. NY, 2016.
The Painted Lady. Short film. NY, 2016.
Aruma (Naked Woman). Short film. NY, 2016.
Fellheimer & Wagner. Short film. NY, 2016.
The Cage. Short film. NY, 2016.
Goliath. Short documentary. NY, 2015.
Shadow Boxer. Short film. NY, 2015.
IRO Secret Fashion Show. Fashion show/event. Zurich, 2014.
Executive Producer. Identicals. Feature film. London, 2013.
Production Manager. Paper Mountains. Short film. London, 2012.
Production Manager. Hold On Me. Short film. London, 2011.
Leadel7 & Leadel Live. Webisodes. Herzliya/Israel, 2009-2010.
Guess Flagship Store. Fashion store opening. Zurich, 2008.
Assistant Director. Beaufort. Feature film. Golan Heights/Israel, 2006.
Production Assistant. Matchmaker. Documentary. Zurich, 2005.